Browsing tag: INDONESIA

My Blissful Holiday by Mona

Akhirnyaaaa Mona sampai di Korea!!!!! kalimat ini adalah kalimat yang terucap pertama kali pada saat saya menginjakkan kaki saya di Incheon Airport …Kenapa? yaaaaa antara percaya dan tidak percaya sih bisa sampai di korea, secara seharusnya saya sudah melakukan perjalanan ini dari dua tahun yang lalu, tetapi karena banyaknya jadwal syuting dikantor (alias schedule ini

My Korea Story With BWAMTrip By Meitha

Jalan-jalan gw ke Korea berawal dari pengalaman transit yang paling ngga pernah terlupakan buat gw waktu tur West Coast USA. Ngga terlupakan karena gw baru tahu tempat transitnya waktu duduk di pesawat. Sebelumnya tur guide gw bilang transitnya di Hongkong atau Tokyo. Jadi dua negara itu yang ada di otak gw sampe mau naik pesawat,

Battle The Ground With Bodypack Battle Series

Travel and photography are two things that you just can’t really separate. I once traveled by train and tried not to take pictures, but I couldn’t help myself, grabbed my camera, and started taking pictures. Last year, I got my first camera, like a real camera. As soon as I got it, my desire to

Kartini’s Day Giveaway Cherish Writegram

Rising and fighting for women’s right need continuous effort to get the equality across gender. Kartini was national heroine and prominent female pioneer breaking the silence to women’s emancipation, being at the crack of dawn line-leading girls’ further education.

Art For Everyone in Art1: New Museum

Someone asked me to go to Art1: New Museum after seeing my previous visit to Singapore Art Museum. “I love how you enjoyed art, go to this place and feed us more with your enjoyable photos” hearing those words made me grab my smart phone and searching about Art1: New Museum and hey! It is

Why United? Why Divided? In Indonesia Democracy.

If you follow the Korean drama then you know that the recent drama themes are about reporters, news, journalist and mass media in Korea. There is one that currently took my attention, it’s called PINOCCHIO, don’t worry, I’m not going to talk about it, but there is something that crossed my mind while I was watching it. Oh wait, am I going to talk about
