Browsing tag: STADIUM

A Bright Blue Sky In Allianz Arena, Munich

“How do you feel about finally coming to this Bayern Munchen, your favorite football club from your young age?” I asked my like-family person (later will be written as Mr. P) when we arrived Fröttmaning station, Munich. “Do you recording this one?” Instead of answering my question, he was checking whether I record it or not. “Nope! But I

If he is a fan of Juventus, he must be a good person

“I’m going to Juventus, Turin” the like-family person [later will be write as Mrs. L] said to me when we were about to depart to Milan from Zurich. “That’s great, let’s go with me!” I answered “Why? Do you even like Juventus?” Mrs. L said “It’s not about like or doesn’t like, but going to Turin
